Saturday, May 21, 2011

May....camping, mothers day, temple and limo ride

 President Monson urged us to put a picture of the temple in our children's we went down to the temple and took a picture of each child in front of the Mesa temple and plan to hang it in their room.

 We participated in a United Way service project with Alana and Adalynn.  We had a good time putting together school kits we were in charge of putting crayons, CD's and scissors ina a pouch to go in the kits.  The girls were really good workers.
 Addy had mom's day at school. They sang songs to us then we made a little picture frame and decorated a sugar cookie. We had a good time!
 Alana read the most books out of all of 2nd grade so she got to go on a Limo ride to Peter Piper pizza.  She had a great time.

 We took the kids camping for the first time.  We went up to workman's Creek.  The kids were very excited to sleep in the tent they also loved roasting marshmallows 

 We found a pretty waterfall near our campground.  We went on a little hike and came to a big orchard of apple treess and stoppped to take pictures.

 The kids all found "walking" sticks


Earnestine Novick said...

Sounds like you and the fam had a busy time! Looking at their happy faces, I know that they had a blast! :-) And the t-shirts look cute! Lastly, congrats to Alana on her limo ride! I think that kind of prize will encourage lots of kids to read and learn more!

Ima Mancuso said...

The first time I rode a limo, I was completely blown away. I wish that I would be able to ride again in the future. It’s really fun and exciting! I consider it as one of my unforgettable experience so far. My next goal is to ride a helicopter. Haha!